Dating, Relationships, and life Strategy
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Mission #60 – Objective: How to Immunize your Relationship against the Coronavirus Attack!
Due to the Coronavirus Quarantine–MANY relationships are now at risk! Is YOURS one of them??? How do you keep your relationship ALIVE and THRIVING during this crisis? Find out how following the R.A.M. Protocols can save your love life!
Mission #59 – Objective: Destroy All Man-Caves!
Are you the LOL Guys? Do women take you for a joke? How can you stop this from happening? What is the danger of NOT labeling the kind of relationship you have with a woman? Also, what are Man-Caves—and why are they a threat to you manhood? Find out all this on today’s mission: “Destroy ALL Man-Caves!”
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Mission #58 – Objective: Help! My Girlfriend Has a High Body Count!
Welcome to a Rapid Fire Q&A: Victory Unlimited takes 5 Shots @ 5 Questions in 5 Minutes! What is Wedlock Shock Syndrome? Can you ever really trust a woman when she tells you how many men she’s been with? Should you even ask the question? What are the consequences of finding out the truth? Also: How do you know when you’re doing TOO MUCH to make a relationship work? Find out all this and more on today’s show!
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Mission #57 – Objective: The Great Red Pill War!
Red Pill philosophy (a metaphor used for male enlightenment) has now went mainstream. But what is it, really? Does the Red Pill teach men to love themselves—but to HATE women? What are the dangers of overdosing on the Red Pill? Will the popularity of Red Pill philosophy cause a Gender War between men and women? Find out all this and more on today’s Victory Unlimited Show!
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Mission #56 – Objective: “Run Silent, Run Deep!”
Join the World’s 1st Self-Help Superhero “Victory Unlimited” on today’s mission: What is the Fast Love Speed Trap—and how do you avoid it? What are the 10 Signs that a woman wants you to be with her exclusively? How can you use your words to create your BEST life ever? What are the 4 greatest Weapons in every man’s Attraction Arsenal? How can you use “strategic” Silence to be victorious in dating, relationships, and in life?
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Mission #55 – Objective: How to Escape from the Accelerated Relationship Trap!
Why would a woman want to invite her friend out on a date with the two of you? How do you deal with a woman in your life that’s hard to deal with? And how do you escape from the accelerated relationship trap? Find out all this and more on today’s show!
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Mission #54 – Objective: 9 Life Lessons from Black Panther!
What are the 9 Life Lessons that you can learn from the Black Panther Movie? And if you apply them, how can they help you claw your way to the top in life???
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Mission #53 – Objective: The Rise of the Thugs, THOTs, and Thirsty Dudes!
How has Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other forms of Social Media contributed to the Rise of THOTs and Thirsty Dudes? What can men do to increase their chances of dating success?
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Mission #52 – Objective: The Great Debate: American Women vs. Foreign Women!
Victory Unlimited is back! How do you conquer your fear of talking to women once and for all? The Great Debate: Which is better? American Women or Women from other countries? Why is having a War-Like Mindset the key to being victorious in life? Find out all this and MORE on today’s show!
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The Battle of the Sexes—Declassified!
Free eBook Giveaway! Download a copy of the Victory Unlimited Rapid Fire Q&A! And get all the newly declassified Dating, Relationship,and Life Strategy Intel that you can handle!!!
Mission #51 – Objective: “How to Defend Your Relationship from Enemy Attacks!”
What is the Constant “Comeback” Chick? Why do women disappear and reappear in your life? What is Cyclical Sucker Syndrome? How can you tell if a woman is really hard-to-get or just “playing” hard-to-get? What are the most common threats to your relationship—and how can you protect yourself against them? Find out all this and MORE on today’s show!
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Mission #50 – Objective: “The Flags of our Fathers!”
Today, listen to a very special and personal Father’s Day message from Victory Unlimited. .
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Mission #49 – Objective: “Memorial Day!”
On today’s show – Get ready to hear a very different perspective on how men should view Memorial Day!
Mission #48 – Objective: Sex as a Weapon!
Can Sex be used like a Weapon? Can Friends With Benefit relationships backfire on Men? How can you tell if you’re with the right person for YOU? Find out all this and more on today’s show!
Mission #47 – Objective: Ammunition for Attraction!
What are a Man’s four greatest Weapons of Mass Seduction? And how can he use them as Ammunition for attracting women? Find out on today’s show!
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