The Victory Unlimited War Room Session Series!
In an ongoing effort to accomplish the mission of reaching more people with messages of “Hardcore Hope”, Victory Unlimited has committed to do strategic interviews with select members of the media.
This interview, Victory Unlimited (The Soldier for “Higher”) joined forces Doctor Vibe (The Prime Minister of Pertinent Information) to discuss strategies to help men achieve greater success in the New year.
To listen to this newly declassified, War Room discussion with Dr. Vibe, all you have to do click the big, green “click here” button below:
More Intel on Dr. Vibe
Dr. Vibe is the host of the “Vibe and Vegas Show”. On each show, he discusses, debates, shares, and sometimes laughs about a variety of subjects. The goal of his show is to stimulate deep thought and spirited discussion like few other shows that you’ll ever hear.
You can visit Dr. Vibe, listen to his shows, and gather “Actionable Intelligence” from him here: http://thevibeandvegasshow.wordpress.com/
Also, if you missed the first War Room Session Victory Unlimited and Dr. Vibe held on “The Top Twelve Reasons Why So Many Good Black Men Are Still Single”, click on the image below.
About the Victory Unlimited Show
The Fans’ Favorite Victory Unlimited Shows:
Mission #1 – Objective: What is…the Denzel Washington/Sidney Poitier Swagger Factor?
Mission #6 – Objective: The New Year, New Babe Launch!
Mission #10 – Objective: What is…the Phoenix Chick?
Mission #4 – Objective: Hardcore Hope for lonely, depressed, and frustrated men everywhere!
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