On this Mission
Find out how you can stop “cutting your throat with your own tongue”!
- Is there REALLY such a thing as “love at first sight”? Or, should it really be called something else?
- What does a woman browsing a book at a bookstore have to do with her buying into YOU?
- What 3 fronts are the success or failure of every brand new relationship always fought on?
- Why do women ask so many questions about the women you used to date?
- What does it mean when a woman says to you that you might be “THE ONE”?
- What’s the best way to answer a woman’s questions without revealing too much, TOO SOON about yourself?
- Why is the phrase “Who Knows” one of the most powerful weapons you can use to keep a woman interested in you?
- Should you ever lie about your past to new women you meet?
- When is the right time to reveal things about your past to the new woman that you’re dating? Or better yet—–is there EVER a good time?
- How do you avoid getting ambushed by big mistakes you made with women from your past?
- Why is it true that YOU are always your greatest competition?
Find out all this and MORE on today’s mission!