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A Victory Unlimited Special Mission
Television, radio, and the Internet have been buzzing nonstop for years about the plight of single, black women looking for love, but what about all the single, black men? Nobody’s been bold enough to take a stand and speak out on behalf of all the good, single black men out there looking for love too.
However, now, that’s all changed. The Victory Unlimited Show attacks this issue with the kind of guts, gusto, humor, and controversy that’s rarely heard in the mainstream media.
Based on feedback from the show’s fan base, the most recent broadcast entitled “The Top Twelve Reasons Why So Many Good Black Men Are Still Single” put forth the following list as the reasons why so many good black men are still unhappily single:
1. They keep meeting women with unrealistic expectations for what they want in a man.
2. They keep meeting women who put them in the wrong category by writing them off too quickly as not being “their type”.
3. They’re not wanted because they’re not needed. Too many women have told them that they don’t “need” a man.
4. They keep meeting black women who don’t respect them just because they “are” black men.
5. They keep failing women’s Girlfriend Approval Test. If the woman’s friends don’t like them, then that woman won’t give them a chance either.
6. They keep meeting women who are not interested in them, but only in how much money they make.
7. They’re nobody until somebody else loves them. Not enough women see them as a prize unless they see a lot of other women chasing after them first.
8. They meet too many women who don’t really know what they want.
9. They meet too many women who believe that single, good black men are “too good to be true”.
10. They’re the right man at the wrong time.
11. They meet too many women who don’t recognize a good man when they see one.
12. They don’t promote all the great things about themselves boldly or consistently enough to enough women.
The Victory Unlimited Show is a “tongue-in-cheek,” self-help show for men that’s reminiscent of programs from the Golden Age of Radio. For more details, LISTEN to the show and READ the back-story information below:
Recently, a fan of the Victory Unlimited Show who happened to be a single, African American guy living in Atlanta, Georgia contacted the show. When he called, he was on a specific mission all his own. He didn’t ask a question about dating. He didn’t ask a question about relationships. He didn’t even ask a question about life strategy. No. This guy called to ask just one question. One question that was so heartfelt and so loaded with frustration and confusion that we just had to address it.
What was his question?
“Why is it so hard for good black men to find good black women?”
Here was a guy who thought that he had everything together—-thought that he’d been doing all the right things. He considered himself a “good man”. He identified himself as a man looking for an exclusive relationship with the right woman. He expressed great concern over the way that the news media always tells just one side of the story of black relationships——the women’s. “No one gives a damn about how hard black men have it out here too.” he said.
Well, for this man, and for all the single, good black men out there still searching for someone special to compliment their lives——-this show is for you.
To the contrary, this show is not a show for guys out there that are actually guilty of the many “Relationship War Crimes” that so many black men are accused of. No, this show is for all the single, good black men that get unfairly lumped in the same category, wrongly dishonorably discharged, or hit by unfriendly fire in the ongoing war to have a winning relationship. This show is also for the many good, black women who have always wanted to know why so many of their sons, brothers, and guy friends have so much trouble finding the right women for them.
Today, we’ll go inside the War Room and do an in-depth analysis on the “Top Twelve Reasons Why So Many Good Black Men Are Still Single”. After listening to this show, you’ll have a far better understanding of each of the scenarios listed below that good black men encounter everyday in their search for good black women:
1. The Celebrity Propaganda Scenario
2. The Knee Jerk Stereotyping Scenario
3. The Nonessential Appraisal Scenario
4. The Racial Familiarity Breeds Contempt Scenario
5. The Busted Brain Trust Scenario
6. The Mercenary Scenario
7. The Gender Group Think Scenario
8. The Circle of Confusion Scenario
9. The Mythical Man Scenario
10. The Right Man at the Wrong Time Scenario
11. The Lack of Depth Perception Scenario
12. The YouTube Scenario
For many years now, the vast majority of the problems experienced by African Americans in the dating world have been reported primarily from the female perspective. This has got to change. Before we can even begin to go on a mission to rescue black relationships, it’s important that we take into account not just the women’s perspective, but the men’s as well.
Otherwise, we will never advance from monologue to dialogue——–which is where our only hope for future success lies.
Much respect and success to you all.
Soldier on!
About the Victory Unlimited Show
Fan Favorite Shows:
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- What do you do when your NEXT Girlfriend is an “EX-ed” Girlfriend?
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