What is the Emotional IQ of a Man?
From time to time, Victory Unlimited takes part in panel discussions with a distinguished group of individuals. These individuals, these “Allies”, are people who are also committed to the same mission as this website:
To help men to become better men today than they were yesterday.
These War Room Sessions are part of the ongoing mission to make a positive difference in the lives of ALL good men in general——-with a strong focus on impacting Black Men in particular. Though the delivery may sometimes be rough, the subject matter may sometimes be varied, and the words spoken may be controversial, the mission is ALWAYS the same:
Again, to help men to become better men today than they were yesterday.
On today’s War Room Session, Victory Unlimited (The Soldier for Higher Thinking) joins Dr. Vibe (The Prime Minister of Pertinent Information) Henri Morris, and The Style Gent to launch an all-out attack on the subject of “What is the Emotional IQ of a Man?”
Topics covered:
- What is Emotional Intelligence?
- Who is more emotional—men or women?
- From an early age, what are most men taught about showing their emotions?
- Do real men show their emotions?
- What do women really think of emotional men?
- When is it in a man’s best interest to show his emotions?
- When is it NOT in a man’s best interest to show his emotions?
- How does a man’s Emotional IQ affect his relationships with his friends, his family, his coworkers, or his girlfriend or his wife?
- Is it better for a man to be more emotional—or more logical?
- What can men do to increase their Emotional IQ?
To find out about all this and MORE—click the “Listen Now” image below:
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